Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Strong Turbulence Will Now Come upon the Earth!
Message from Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on April 5, 2024

Sweet scribe of My Sacred Heart, hear, yes, hear the Word of your Lord God and spread it! I command you!
I am the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who will soon descend to take back into Himself all that belongs to Him.
Beloved men, what will be your choice when you see Me face to face? Will you be convinced, at last, that I exist, or will you still deny Me? Beware, O men, not to be seduced again by Satan, for verily I say unto you, he who shall not have honored My Word, cannot be received by Me.
I love My Children, I have given My Life for their salvation, but they have not desired to embrace Me, they have snubbed My Love.
History has repeated itself: man in his great pride has refused to hear and follow the voice of his Creator, has given himself up to the call of the ancient Serpent: ... now it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
My Seal is already on all My Children, they will be led to where all is whiteness, jubilation and love, while the foolish will suffer the Hell that will be unleashed on Earth.
Beware of what I say to you, O men: these My words are no joke! Do not be foolish, do not wait until you are in great pain to shout My Holy Name! Repent now, O men, repent now! ... My Coming is imminent.
Listen Israel: ... the sound of the shofar will mark the beginning of the harsh passion for those who would not acknowledge Me as their God.
Strong turbulence will now come upon the earth!
Source: ➥